Telegram integration
Hi, could you bring us integration with Telegram? I have my communities from Telegram, so I would like to keep them in their place chatting with my bots.
Teck 6 months ago
Telegram integration
Hi, could you bring us integration with Telegram? I have my communities from Telegram, so I would like to keep them in their place chatting with my bots.
Teck 6 months ago
Response Delay
I suggest this because I think GPT-O is answering too quickly. I'm trying to make the chatbot behave more like a human, but the super speedy responses are not suitable for my use case. Perhaps an optional feature where we can enter a delay of 1, 2, or 3 seconds could work for me.
bot sheets 9 months ago
Response Delay
I suggest this because I think GPT-O is answering too quickly. I'm trying to make the chatbot behave more like a human, but the super speedy responses are not suitable for my use case. Perhaps an optional feature where we can enter a delay of 1, 2, or 3 seconds could work for me.
bot sheets 9 months ago
Auto-Close Message Bubble After Page Navigation
Please auto close the message bubble after page navigation. We have encountered issues in the past with bounce rates due the chatbot spamming the user with unnecessary message bubbles as they navigate the website. If a user ignores the message bubble and chatbot then they are more interested in engaging with the website than they are with the chatbot. So in this case, the message bubble should be closed on page navigation events to reduce issues with the user experience.
Jon Malave 9 months ago
Auto-Close Message Bubble After Page Navigation
Please auto close the message bubble after page navigation. We have encountered issues in the past with bounce rates due the chatbot spamming the user with unnecessary message bubbles as they navigate the website. If a user ignores the message bubble and chatbot then they are more interested in engaging with the website than they are with the chatbot. So in this case, the message bubble should be closed on page navigation events to reduce issues with the user experience.
Jon Malave 9 months ago
hive mind
the limit to your bots training is outstanding, but it is still possible to max it out and the more bots i create or the more blogs I write the more information will add up. I'm envisioning a hive mind or a one bot to control all the bots where each bot could access the hive mind and get information from the other bots - in this case - the actual knowledge base would be limitless then. Even more perks if through API or webhooks it could work through no-code platforms to access bots from other providers.
Tom Harty 9 months ago
hive mind
the limit to your bots training is outstanding, but it is still possible to max it out and the more bots i create or the more blogs I write the more information will add up. I'm envisioning a hive mind or a one bot to control all the bots where each bot could access the hive mind and get information from the other bots - in this case - the actual knowledge base would be limitless then. Even more perks if through API or webhooks it could work through no-code platforms to access bots from other providers.
Tom Harty 9 months ago
Timezone Configuration
I would like to request a feature that allows users to edit the timezone for the bot. The bot currently shows the time in UTC, which may not be convenient for users in other time zones. Users have the option to select their desired timezone so the bot can show the time in their local area. This would greatly improve the user experience and make the bot more accessible to users worldwide.
Nidzam (Nidzam) 11 months ago
Timezone Configuration
I would like to request a feature that allows users to edit the timezone for the bot. The bot currently shows the time in UTC, which may not be convenient for users in other time zones. Users have the option to select their desired timezone so the bot can show the time in their local area. This would greatly improve the user experience and make the bot more accessible to users worldwide.
Nidzam (Nidzam) 11 months ago
Detect returning users
Turn on option to use cookies to tie to UUID for detecting returning user using a setting switch.
Christopher Sayson 11 months ago
Detect returning users
Turn on option to use cookies to tie to UUID for detecting returning user using a setting switch.
Christopher Sayson 11 months ago
Endpoint to Retrain AI
Please have an endpoint to Retrain the AI. Usecase: My dataset could change a couple of times in an hour, and as far as i understood, botsheets will automatically have the updated data every hour. By having that endpoint, we could set it to automatically retrain the AI when the dataset changes instead of having botsheets to sync hourly. The way I look at it, this could be less resource intensive for botsheets as we can turn off the hourly auto sync.
Nidzam (Nidzam) 11 months ago
Endpoint to Retrain AI
Please have an endpoint to Retrain the AI. Usecase: My dataset could change a couple of times in an hour, and as far as i understood, botsheets will automatically have the updated data every hour. By having that endpoint, we could set it to automatically retrain the AI when the dataset changes instead of having botsheets to sync hourly. The way I look at it, this could be less resource intensive for botsheets as we can turn off the hourly auto sync.
Nidzam (Nidzam) 11 months ago
Ability to add videos from youtube, vimeo, etc. as data to train on.
There are several programs that can take videos and turn them into blogs, transcripts, translations, etc. The ability to take those videos into botsheets for botsheets to transcribe and then train on would allow us to train the bots even better.
Tom Harty 11 months ago
Ability to add videos from youtube, vimeo, etc. as data to train on.
There are several programs that can take videos and turn them into blogs, transcripts, translations, etc. The ability to take those videos into botsheets for botsheets to transcribe and then train on would allow us to train the bots even better.
Tom Harty 11 months ago
Voice Conversations
Voice Conversations - Other than text-based interactions, allow the chat bot to integrate 2 way voice conversations, enhancing the user experience.
PK SOH 11 months ago
Voice Conversations
Voice Conversations - Other than text-based interactions, allow the chat bot to integrate 2 way voice conversations, enhancing the user experience.
PK SOH 11 months ago
Google Calendar Integration
It would be super cool to use the bot to book appointments and check schedule availability using Google Calendar. This could also be used to create a personal assistance bot to help organize your calendar/time.
Pasaway 11 months ago
Google Calendar Integration
It would be super cool to use the bot to book appointments and check schedule availability using Google Calendar. This could also be used to create a personal assistance bot to help organize your calendar/time.
Pasaway 11 months ago
Increase/remove the 10 MB limit on PDF files.
This should be a fix, 10 MB for PDF files does not work. A lot of PDF files are inflated with graphics/images making them more than 10 MB, without adding data the bot should be trained on. Having to redo PDF files and remove graphics is a huge pain in the butt. So this limit should be increased to at least a couple of hundred MB to account for this.
Pasaway 11 months ago
Increase/remove the 10 MB limit on PDF files.
This should be a fix, 10 MB for PDF files does not work. A lot of PDF files are inflated with graphics/images making them more than 10 MB, without adding data the bot should be trained on. Having to redo PDF files and remove graphics is a huge pain in the butt. So this limit should be increased to at least a couple of hundred MB to account for this.
Pasaway 11 months ago
ability to transfer to live agents
you should be able to transfer to live agents on demand or connect to another service that offers this, i understand that this is a lead generation but it is missing half of it's potential. at the very least should be able to let the customer know that someone will be contacting them soon if they made a request that the ai does not know how to answer or they requested something from the business.
Roberto Renteria 11 months ago
ability to transfer to live agents
you should be able to transfer to live agents on demand or connect to another service that offers this, i understand that this is a lead generation but it is missing half of it's potential. at the very least should be able to let the customer know that someone will be contacting them soon if they made a request that the ai does not know how to answer or they requested something from the business.
Roberto Renteria 11 months ago
Instantly Auto Sync when data is changed instead of waiting one hour
Hey, it would be awesome to have the data synced within seconds when the spreadsheet has been updated or at least a few minutes to update instead of one hour. Also the same when the AI is retrained on the Google Sheet. One hour to wait or something close is too long, especially for a client or even a test.
Wattsy89 11 months ago
Instantly Auto Sync when data is changed instead of waiting one hour
Hey, it would be awesome to have the data synced within seconds when the spreadsheet has been updated or at least a few minutes to update instead of one hour. Also the same when the AI is retrained on the Google Sheet. One hour to wait or something close is too long, especially for a client or even a test.
Wattsy89 11 months ago
Limit the number of messages each month per chatbot
The use case would be for setting up different client pricing tiers. For example, we could sell access to a chatbot with a limit of 1000 messages per month (including a daily limit would be great as well). Ideally, this could be set as a limit and toggled per chatbot.
cclct 11 months ago
Limit the number of messages each month per chatbot
The use case would be for setting up different client pricing tiers. For example, we could sell access to a chatbot with a limit of 1000 messages per month (including a daily limit would be great as well). Ideally, this could be set as a limit and toggled per chatbot.
cclct 11 months ago